About Us

Jewelry is a small necessity that complements your personality, beautifies the presence and will surely please every woman, man and child. Emphasize your style and fill you with confidence.

How we make jewelry

Our jewelry is made of glass, made by hand, using the fusing method. We use special sheet glass of various types and colors. The glass is cut, crushed, painted, ground and combined. Even when it is cold, our creative creators assemble a composition corresponding to the future shape of the piece of jewelery, and then this composition is sintered or melted in an electric furnace at high temperatures. The resulting semi-finished product then goes through a stage of finishing, grinding, polishing and adding metal components.

Why our jewelry is different

Two completely identical pieces of jewelry cannot be created using the fusing method. They can only be similar. Therefore, each of them is original. Above all, it is because they are made by hand, each piece individually, with feeling and care. We do not copy, we give way to diversity and our own creativity. We each produce in the quantity of a single piece or in a small series. Our jewelry is original and yet very affordable. They will find their opportunity in every outfit. You will find a special form of jewelry for each style with us.

My story

The owner of this small establishment is me – Eva Kuželková. I am a graduate of the Industrial School of Glass in Novy Bor. Glass has become a part of my life. Working with it perfectly fulfills every creative person. In 1993, I founded a family company dealing with the decoration of utility glass by glazing, grinding, engraving and painting. My advantage is not only practical knowledge of various glass technology, but also artistic glassmaking.

Contact Us

Nová 163
Nový Bor
473 01
Czech Republic
e-mail: info@7glass.cz
Opening hours: 10:00 – 16:00
Phone: (+420) 774 440 201

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